The Unique in Portneuf

and mission of the Domaine des 3 Moulins.
Domaine des 3 Moulins is a vineyard, but also an euro-Québecois archeologic site of the XIXe century.
Close to la Rivière-à-Matte, a first mill powered by water is built in 1690. Subsequently, a sawmill will be built in 1725, and another one in 1768. At the turn of the XIXe century, we therefore know that a group of 3 mills - a sawmill, a watermill and a woollenmill - sit by the river. In 1850, a new three level mill of 48 by 30 feet long is built by a man named Patton. The man will also build 1500 feet long dock on pillings where boats can tie up at anytime. Patton, grinds grain and cereals delivered from the United States and ships the flour in England without paying taxes and Seigneurial rights. Around 1854, the Seigneurial rights were abolished, Patton went bankrupt in 1856 and the land is seized by the sherif.
It is in 2001, at the time where Monick Valois et Pio Bégin acquire the land, that the modern history of the vineyard starts. Initially, it is with the intend of building a secondary house that the couple buy the place. On the property, only two old shacks would then remain, but also an electric pylon full of wild grapes... That was enough to inspire them. Since then, several tests were performed and key people have joined the couple to develop the project. Today, close to 10 000 vines grow on the Domain and 7500 bottles are being produced yearly.
The Domain's mission is to create a sustainable and profitable entreprise that will be recognized by its peers and the community for the quality of its products. In the long term, we will create a unique Oenotouristic center that will become a major attraction for the Portneuf region.